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Sept- Till Date
Follow us on instagram @midoricide_naturalpets to learn more!
- Leash and Paws : August 11th, 2017
Today on the blog : we festite @midoricide_naturalpets with their natural and effective pet products. Chino went into the woods to test it out!
- coleandriley1 : Sep 9th 2017
Cole has been scratching his ears so i used @midoricide_naturalpets organic anti itch oil called "The Fantastic" , All natural and certified organic. Has sunflower oil, neem oil, olive oil, baobab oil, babassu oil, cedarwood oil, lavender oil and vitamin e... I love it because it doesn't have any chemicals and all organic.
So I put a few drops on his itchy ear and rubbed it in.. it has a nice smell not too much but nice and it rubbed in nicely. Made my hands soft too. Keep in mind I have 2 dogs and they always smell each others ears if and when they scratch. They didnt bother each other at all, So we give paws up for this product. We will be testing more product, keep a look out.
- @coleandriley1 : Sep 15th 2017
Used the @midoricide_naturalpets peppermint and neem leaf shampoo bar. Easy to use and super soapy. It doesn't have a strong smell which I like because I can't deal with perfume on dogs, too strong for me. This was just right.. paws up on this product.
- Christopher L, Facebook, October 10th 2017

Henry just got through trying out this Natural Pet Shampoo Bar-Chamomile & Marshmallow Root. I looked up the Marshmallow root for him, to let him know "Marshmallow root is a wonderful herb that is beneficial for skin healing, smoothing hair ..." It smelled great to him, lathered up nicely, and rinsed clean easily. Henry gives it 5 stars, and howly recommends. Thanks! #midoricide

Henry just got through trying out this Dry shampoo mousse for pets- Cleansing system- It smelled great to him, in that it has natural cedar from texas, organic lemongrass and foodgrade quillaja bark. Henry gives it 5 stars, and howly recommends. A bark in the mousse
Thanks! #Midoricide